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Intensive Programme on Poverty and Social Exclusion (IPPSE) 09.2010-08.2011

Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool osaleb Erasmus intensiivprojektis INTENSIVE PROGRAMME ON POVERTY AND SOCIAL EXCLUSION (IPPSE), kestvusega  1. september 2010 - 31. august 2011.

Erasmus Intensive Programme projektidokumentatsioonis on projekti eesmärgiks:

- to enhance interdisciplinary cooperation between health care, rehabilitation and social work;

- to develop strategies and exchange expertise on a community based approach and a strategy of empowerment;

- to confront students and staff with the benefits of interprofessional, international and intercultural exchange and dialogue;

- to enhance the awareness and knowledge of the question of poverty and social exclusion by means of interdisciplinary, multiactor and intrernational exchange;

- to enhance the competencies to step across the borders of disciplines, organizations and cultures to understand the paradigms of different professions and cultures, to open a dialogue and to exchange ideas and expertise;

- to exchange expertise in the field of poverty and social exclusion on an evidence based approach;

 - to increase capacity building for new partners in the consortium;

- to develop the framework of the COHEHRE Academy and stimulate partnership of COHEHRE members.


Projekti partneriteks on erinevad kõrgharidusinstitutsioonid Euroopast:

1) Hesinki Mtropolia University of Applied Sciences, Soome

2) University College Arteveldehogeschool, Belgium

3) Semmelweis University Budapest, Hungary

4) Hogeschool Rotterdam, The Netherlands

5) University of Vic, Spain

6) Portuguese Red Cross Health School, Portugal


Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool osaleb IPPSE alaprojektis ICHCI-3 (Teema: Interprofessdional Program on Poverty and Social Exclusion), milles on kooli esindajateks Moonika Viigimäe (valdkond: Health Public Policy) ja Pille Javed (valdkond: Social determinants of health; Health promotion strategies to prevent social exclusion; Community empowerment).



18.-19.11.2010. IPPSE alaprojektide ICHCI-1, ICHCI-2 ja ICHCI-3 ettevalmistav koosolek Belgias, Hasseltis. Alaprojektis ICHCI-3 oslevad Moonika Viigimäe ja Pille Javed.

9.-21.05.2011. Õppejõud Moonika Viigimäe, Pille Javed ning üliõpilased Raimo Pregel (TE2), Sandra Mägi (TE3), Alar Kaljakin (TE2), Liisa Salak (TE3) ja Juta Fjodorova (Ä2) osalevad LLP/Erasmuse projektis „Intensive Programme on Poverty and Social Exlusion (IPPSE)“ Metropolia University of Applied Science’s, Soomes. Kursuse koostööpartneriteks on COHEHRE, ICHCI-3.