Advanced Training for Technicians of Assistive Instruments 12.2010-04.2011
Tallinn Health Care College organizes and conducts a 6-cycle advanced training for technicians of assistive instruments for enhancing and standardizing their professional skills.
The target groups of training are 45 physio- and occuaptional therapists working in rehabilitation institutions and also 15 specialists from firms selling assistive instruments.
Dates of training:
I cycle: December 16-18, 2010
II cycle: January 20.-22, 2011
III cycle: February 10-12, 2011
IV cycle: March 3-4, 2011
V cycle: March 17-19, 2011
VI cycle: March 31-April 2, 2011
Finishing: April 29, 2011.
Training location: Tallinn Health Care College.
Trainig is free for participants!
The training is funded from European Social Fund framework programme „Caring Methods Supporting Employment 2010-2013“.