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LLP Erasmus 2007-2013



What are the aims?

  • To improve the quality and to increase the volume of students and teaching staff mobility throughout Europe
  • To improve the quality and to increase the volume of multilateral cooperation between higher education institutions in Europe
  • To increase the degree of transparency and compatibility between higher education and advanced vocational education qualifications gained in Europe
  • To improve the quality and to increase the volume of cooperation between higher education institutions and enterprises
  • To facilitate the development of innovative practices in education and training at tertiary level, and their transfer, including from one participating country to others
  • To support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong learning

Who are the targets?

  • Students and trainees learning in all forms of tertiary level education and training
  • Higher education institutions
  • Teachers, trainers and other staff within those institutions
  • Associations and representatives of those involved in higher education, including relevant student, university, and teacher/trainer associations
  • Enterprises, social partners and other representatives of working life
  • Public and private organisations, including not-for-profit organisations and NGOs, responsible for the organisation and delivery of education and training at local, regional and national levels
  • Research centres and bodies concerned with lifelong learning issues
  • Bodies providing guidance, counselling and information services

What types of activity?

1. Mobility of individuals which may include:

  • Mobility of students for the purposes of studying or training in Member States in higher education institutions, as well as placements in enterprises, training centres, research centres or other organisations (‘Erasmus Students’)
  • Mobility of teaching staff in higher education institutions in order to teach or receive training in a partner institution abroad
  • Mobility of other staff in higher education institutions and staff of enterprises for purposes of training or teaching
  • Erasmus intensive programmes organised on a multilateral basis

2. Multilateral projects focusing inter alia on innovation, experimentation and the exchange of good practice in the areas mentioned in the specific and operational objectives

3. Networks run by consortia of higher education institutions and representing a discipline or a cross-disciplinary field (‘Erasmus Thematic Networks’) which aim to develop new learning concepts and competencies. Such networks may also include representatives from other public bodies of from enterprises or associations

4. Other initiatives aimed at promoting the objectives of the Erasmus Programme (‘Accompanying Measures’)

In the competition for ERASMUS success stories 2008, Tallinn Health Care College was awarded a silver price in Erasmus lecturer exchange with a publication in the brochure of Erasmus success stories 2008.  

The brochure is available on the EU Commission website from here