Sustainable Development of Applied Higher Education Institutions 02.2007-04.2008
01.02.2007 - 30.04.2008
The main aim of the project:
Effective operation and synergical cooperation consistant with the needs of the Estonian society and European Union directives.
Sub- aims of the project:
Common course of action for the years 2007 - 2013 for Estonian applied higher education institutions have been worked out
Common applied higher education institutions qality guide 2007 - 2008 as the prerequisite for and helping tool for the implementation of quality ensurance system in applied higher education institutions has been compiled
Communication between applied higher institutions, cooperation with target groups and coordination of mutual cooperation has improved due to the development and launching of joint information system
Introduction of the role and possibilities of applied higher education in the Estonian society
Direct target group: Applied higher education institutions who have joined the RKRN quality declaration (11), their students (12300), lecturers and stuff.
Broader target group, influenced by the project: all Estonian applied higher education institutions (21), their students (14600), enterpreuners and other employers, educational decision makers and the Estonian community.
Project applicant: Tallinn Health College
Project partners:
SA Archimedes Estonian Information Technology Foundation (IT College)
Tartu Aviation College
Mainor Business School
Estonian Maritime Academy
Estonian National Defence and Public Service Academy
Tallinn Pedagogical Seminar
Tallinn College of Engineering
Tartu Art College
Tartu School of Health Care
Organisations participating in the project:
Applied Higher Education Insitutions Rectors Council (RKRN)
Foundation "Teadlik Valik"
Members of THC quality team:
Kadri Ann Treufeltd, Study Referent , Leader of the Team
Vootele Tamme, Head of the Chair of Optometry
Marit Paljak, Lecturer of the Chair of Dental Technology, Assistant
Mai Kuum, Lecturer of the Chair of Nursing
Mare Vanatoa, Lecturer of the Chair of Midwifery, Senior Assistant
Ulvi Kõrgemaa, Vice Rector
Reine Kadastik, Head of the Chair of General and Supporting Subjects
1.04.2008. A conference "Life Long Learning - Estonian Development Motor?" in the frames of the project "Sustainable development of applied higher educations through quality management and cooperation". Participants: Ulvi Kõrgemaa, Ülle Ernits, Alar Sepp, Vootele Tamme.