The philosophy of midwifery
- Maternity is a powerful experience and an important process that possesses a great importance for woman, family and community.
- Midwifery acknowledges pregnancy, delivery and post-delivery period as normal physiological processes, and mother and child as a whole.
- Midwifery care is a science as well as art. As of its nature, midwifery care is holistic and dynamic, basing on women’s psychological, emotional, physical, cultural and social experiences, and originates from the best evidence base know-how there is.
- Midwives are provably the most appropriate specialists for offering care during pregnancy, delivery and post-delivery period.
- Midwives trust and respect women and their ability to carry pregnancy, to give birth and to be a mother.
- Midwifery care empowers women to take the responsibility for their own and their family’s health.
- Midwifery care is conducted in cooperation with woman; it is characterized by individual approach, the continuity of caring and respectful attitude.
- Decisions related with caring are made by woman herself, and she is entitled to receive all necessary evidence based know-how for making the decisions.
Nominal length of study: 4,5 years
Language of studies: Estonian language (in Tallinn)